Wednesday, November 23, 2011
There are a lot of things to be thankful for this year: The Chicago Police Department, Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Mercantile Exchange...
No more politics, just for the weekend. I'm going to eat more than I should feel comfortable eating, try to avoid people while in my hometown, and generally revel in the fact that I have family and friends who care about me and my life/career/school, live in a decent apartment in one of the best cities in the world, and don't worry about where I will get my next meal. Occupy the holiday! We are the 99% fat free cool whip! Banks got bailed out, we got turkey! The whole country's eating!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Occupy Wall Street raid live blog (from Chicago)
11:55am (CST): [op] The use of the courts, which are supposed to be the balance between the government and the people, and instead being used by the government to control the people. This concerns me more than anything else.
11:49am (CST): Judge in charge of protesters injunction removed from case. City decided new judge.
11:43am (CST): Wall St. Journal reports 200 arrests.
11:30am (CST): 20 arrests reported, including journalists at Canal and 6th. Trinity church makes statement clarifying that the protesters were not allowed.
11:28am (CST): Video of police hitting woman in the face posted to twitter:
11:22am (CST): Statement from a member of NYPD: Injunction was appealed by NYPD, until it is finalized the police will continue to deny access to Zuccotti.
11:18am (CST): " karen mcveigh
Brookfield appreciates the peaceful and professional response of the NYPD, the FDNY, and the Department of Sanitation, and thanks Mayor Bloomberg for his leadership. As had been widely reported, conditions in Zuccotti Park had become dangerous, unhealthy and unsafe. In our view, these risks were unacceptable and it would have been irresponsible to not request that the City take action. Further, we have a legal obligation to the City and to this neighborhood to keep the Park accessible to all who wish to enjoy it, which had become impossible.
As previously stated, Brookfield supports all citizens’ rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech.
Brookfield had hoped to reopen the Park this morning after it had been cleaned. The City and Brookfield, however, were notified of a court-ordered injunction regarding the use of the Park. As a matter of public safety, the Park will remain closed pending the resolution of this matter.
Our hope is to reopen the Park as soon as possible for the enjoyment of all members of the community in accord with the rules of the Park." -Statement from Brookfield (owners of the park)
11:10am (CST): Unconfirmed reports saying that Trinity Church supports the Occupy movement and did not request the removal of protesters.
Four police helicopters overhead
11:04am (CST): Man arrested in Zuccotti Park for hopping barricade, NYCLU reports.
At Trinity, a woman in a wheelchair is being arrested.
10:55am (CST): Violent arrests start at Trinity Church. Police kicking man on ground.
More arrests.
10:54am (CST): Clergy arriving at Trinity church to straighten out disputes on whether or not the occupiers are welcome.
Police start to enter Trinity property.
10:49am (CST): Police buses are preparing for arrests, blockades are up, helicopters are over head @ trinity church.
Riot cops are lining up, and protesters are planning for arrests.
Trinity Church told the police that the OWS protesters are not welcome on their property, request they move.
10:33am (CST): The police are refusing to allow the protesters to reenter Zuccotti Park, regardless of a court order requiring the police to allow them into the park with camping equipment.
The court ordered temporary restraining order requiring the NYPD to show just cause in arresting the protesters. A court date was set for today at 11:30am EST holding NYPD officers who refused to allow the protesters into the park in contempt of court. This was signed by a judge this morning at 6:30am EST.
3:00am (CST): Zuccotti is mostly dismantled, most protesters are arrested. Reporters who were inside left to avoid arrest. The occupy movement isn't silent. Hundreds of people still in the street, 4am in NY. Protesters are still worried about LRAD being deployed, however, there are no confirmed reports of it being activated. Tomorrow will show what this means for the Occupy Movement and the city of New York.
2:55am (CST): Video goes down on most streams. Twitter is silent.
2:48am (CST): Arrestees yelling that they are being hurt.
The white vapor was a fire extinguisher.
Video of kitchen being dismantled is released.
2:45am (CST): Scanner says police are bringing in bolt cutters.
2:44am (CST): "Ain't no power like the power of the people!" -Chant as last 40 occupiers remain in park.
2:42am (CST): Video of tear gas may have been of something else. Inside reports say contrary. Videos of violent arrests posted to twitter from earlier. Video of clouds of white smoke hitting Zuccotti unconfirmed as tear gas.
2:37am (CST): Reports of tear gas being used against occupiers. Confirmed.
2:37am (CST): 4 block perimeter set up around the park, protesters kept away.
2:32am(CST): Reports of LRAD being used against protesters.
50 arrests in or around the kitchen being estimated by protesters.
2:28am (CST): Arrests are being made inside the park. Violence is being reported by both police and protesters. Video inside the park is down.
Protesters are being dragged and taken west from the park, where people can not see.
2:23am (CST): [op] What does this "temporary closing of the park for cleaning" mean for the movement? Based on NY's Mayors feelings on the protests, this cleaning could go on indefinitely. Mayors around the country have felt poorly about the protesters, trying to arrest them out of existence and only proving that there is something important happening in these movements. Something that scares politicians that are funded by lobbyists and companies that can afford to have their interests met. That, the interests being met only when you have enough money, is wrong.
2:20am (CST): Reports that NY City Council is headed to Zuccotti park now. More police seen marching in.
2:19am (CST): Reports of police violence at Broadway and Cedar.
2:09am (CST): Arrest teams dispatched to Zuccotti Park
1:56am (CST): City council member Ydanis Rodriguez "beaten by #nypd and bleeding from the head" reported by @occupywalls
1:50am (CST): Foley Square is being called the fall back, unconfirmed reports that the square is blocked off.
Police Scanners reporting that there are not enough police to maintain situation.
Confirmed reports that people have chained themselves inside the OWS Kitchen
Brooklyn Bridge is closed until 6am.
1:46am (CST): Protesters continue to block street, one arrested.
1:42am (CST): Dump truck attempting to leave the park, stopped by hundreds of protesters.
1:40am (CST): Large crowds converging together with displaced occupiers, protesting and chanting near the park.
Confirmed reports of Long Range Acoustic Device being prepared by police.
1:37am (CST): The people's library has been dismantled and thrown out.
1:34am (CST): Confirmed reports of airspace being closed off to media.
1:30am (CST): Video of protesters being arrested
1:27am (CST): Unconfirmed reports that a NY Times Reporter was arrested from @OccupyWallSt
Also, reports that NYPD Counter Terrorism officers are on scene.
1:22am (CST): Police, Dept. Sanitation shown throwing all OWS items into a pile and dumpsters. Personal objects being covered in trash.
approx. 1:16am (CST): Police shown dismantling tents, evicting protesters. Twitter buzzing with reports of pepper spray used against peaceful protesters, removal of press from site. Police commissioner on scene. NY observer reporting photographers from NYT, WSJ, and Reuters being kept from the scene.
Approximate midnight (CST): First reports of the raid on OWS come from Occupy Chicago over Facebook. Livestream: